Suggested Free Home Remedies and Natural Cures
Please understand that the suggestions on this website are for information only. They aren't meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, if your condition warrants it. We are not giving any medical advice. If you feel sick, please consult your health care professional. Thanks.
Natural Remedies
Here is our list of suggested home remedies. You may want to print this list and keep it in a handy place, like on your refrigerator. Otherwise, if you're like us, you won't remember these natural remedies when you need them.
Drink two full glasses. Can relieve headache pain almost immediately
Colgate Toothpaste
Use as a salve.
Stretch Marks or Scars
Vitamin E
Rub Vitamin E on your scar or stretch marks twice a day. The sooner you start, the better this may work. Cover with a bandage or band aid. Continue for several weeks until the scar or stretch marks diminish.
Cold Remedies
Stuffy Nose
Chewing these curiously strong peppermints can clear up a stuffy nose. Sore Throat Remedy Vinegar and Honey. Mix ¼ cup of vinegar and ¼ cup of honey. Take 1 tablespoon, 6 times a day.
Cough Remedy
Vicks Vaporub
For nighttime cough in a child or adult, generously rub Vicks Vaporub onto the bottom of the feet at bedtime. Cover with socks. The cough can stop within five minutes and stay away for many hours. It is also soothing and comforting and helps with sleep. This is a great way to avoid the potential dangers of cough medicine in kids.
Achy Muscles Due to the Flu
Horseradish and Olive Oil
Mix 1 tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil. Let stand for 30 minutes. Apply as a massage oil.
Urinary Tract Infection
Dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of water. Drink.
Acne Remedy
Apply honey to the blemish and cover with a band aid. Can work overnight.
Nail Fungus
Soak your toe nails or fingernails in the mouthwash.
Arthritis Pain Relief
Mix 2 cups of oatmeal with 1 cup of water in a glass bowl. Microwave for 1 minute. Let
cool slightly. Apply to the arthritic area.
Tomato Paste
Cover the boil with tomato paste as a compress. The acid in the tomato should soothe the pain and also bring the boil to a head.
Soak a cotton ball in white vinegar. Apply to the bruise for one hour. Can reduce the
blue color and speed up healing.
Elmer's Glue
Pour onto the splinter. Let dry. Peel off. The splinter can stick to the dried glue.
Bee Sting
Simply make some mud and apply it to the sting. Sounds odd, but it can work.
Meat Tenderizer
Apply to the sting,
If your blisters have broken open, disinfect with a few drops of Listerine.
Pet Remedies
Natural Flea Remedy
Dawn Dish Detergent
Add a few drops to your dog's or cat's bath. Shampoo thoroughly.
Dog Odor
Bounce or Any Dryer Sheet
Wipe down your dog when it comes in from the rain. Should smell fresh instantly.
Ear Mites
Corn Oil
Put a few drops in your dog's or cat's ears. Massage in. Clean with a cotton ball. Repeat every day for 3 days. The oil is soothing and can smother the mites.
Household Problems
Bees, Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets in your house.
Formula 409
Spray on the insect. Maybe this isn't exactly natural, but we think it is less toxic than poisonous bug spray.
Skunk Smell in Your House
Several suggestions:
Boil vinegar. Then take the pan and walk throughout the house.
Put candles in every room. They will use up the oxygen in the house. New oxygen will enter from the outdoors. (Please be careful while burning and don't leave the candles unattended.)
Coffee Grounds
Place a dish or coffee grounds in each room to absorb the smell.
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